Richard E. Miller | American Impressionist Painter

Richard E. Miller was also known as Richard Emil Miller, Richard Emile Miller and Richard Edward Miller. He was born in 1875 and died in 1943. He was born in America and grew up in St. Luis, he studied in Paris and later got settled in Giverny. Later when he returned to America, he settled for sometime in Pasadena in California. Afterwards he moved to an art colony of Provincetown, Massachusetts, he got settled at this place for the rest of his life.
He was one of the finest American impressionist painters. He also had a membership of Giverny Colony of American Impressionists. His paintings are best to be described as figurative and were well known for the paintings of woman posting both exterior and indoor locations. He was an award winning artist of his era and was honored in both Italy and France. Miller was a member of National Academy of Design in New York. He also won Grance’s Legion of Honor. For the past few years his art works have been published in a number of America Impressionism books and also been exhibited in art catalogs.