Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Valentine Cameron Prinsep was born in 1838 in India was very much involved with the Pre-Raphaelite Movement. later in his life he gained a lot of academic accolades for large decorative and historical subjects. He belonged to a family which was very closely connected with the East India Company. He joined  Indian Civil services and got his education at Haileybury. However G. F. Watts who was his mother’s house guest saw Valentine’s Talent and encouraged him of his artistic tendencies and in the year 1857  he ‘plunged himself into the Pre-Raphaelite styx,’ wrote to a friend: ‘I don’t mean to say that I held the fine young baby of six foot two by the heel or wish to imply the power of moulding his opinions at my pleasure; but to continue my figure, I found him loitering on the banks and gave hint a good shove, and now his gods are Rossetti, Hunt and Millais — to whose elbows more power’.

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

In 1857 Valentine Cameron Prinsep painted one of the murals in the Oxford Union with Rossetti and some of his friends, and he was very close to Rossetti for the next few years. In 1904 he wrote his reminiscences of this period for the Magazine of Art.

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

His Indian connections remained very important very for him. He was hired on  commission to paint the ‘Imperial Assemblage at Delhi‘ (The Delhi Durbar‘) which proclaimed Queen Victoria —>who was the Empress of India (exhibited Royal Academy 1880, Royal Collection), and later from the late 1870s Valentine produced some very interesting genre paintings which had Indian subjects as main subjects. He was elected as an Associate of the Royal Academy in the year 1879 and Academician in 1894. lather Valentine in the year 1884, married Florence Leyland, who was the  daughter of Frederick Richards Leyland, one of the very famous ship owners and Pre-Raphaelite Patron. Till now There is no modern published study of Cameron Prinsep, but there is an unpublished MA report by Naghant Jarrah exists at the Courtauld Institute of Art, London. [Morgan and Nahum, 124-25]

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"

Indian-born British painter-" Valentine Cameron Prinsep 1838-1904"